Caching Level with Cloudflare and Litespeed Plugin

March 30th, 2024

If you maintain a website utilizing a self-hosted WordPress setup and have Cloudflare CDN and LiteSpeed Cache plugin, you will want to read this post.

When managing a WordPress website with dyamic content, optimizing page load times is crucial for user experience and SEO. The caching settings in Cloudflare play a significant role in this optimization, particularly for sites using WordPress with plugins like LiteSpeed Cache and integrating Cloudflare for additional performance and security benefits.


A notable feature within Cloudflare’s settings is the “Caching Level,” aimed at managing the extent of static content caching on your website. Enhanced caching can significantly improve page load times. There are three settings available for this feature:

  • No Query String
  • Ignore Query String
  • Standard

Let’s review which are essential for understanding how your website gets cached and served to your visitors.

No Query String

This option tells Cloudflare to cache your website’s static content (like images, CSS, and JavaScript files) but only for URLs without any query strings. A query string is a part of a URL that comes after a question mark (?) and is used to pass additional parameters. For example, has a query string that specifies the width of an image.

It’s most useful for sites where the content of the static files does not change based on query strings. If your baseball site’s static resources don’t vary with different query parameters, this setting can help cache more aggressively.

Ignore Query String

With this setting, Cloudflare caches the static content without considering the query strings at all. This means that a request for is treated the same as a request for Cloudflare serves the same cached content for both URLs.

This option is suitable if your website’s response for a static file doesn’t depend on the query string parameters. For instance, if the image’s width on your baseball site is controlled by CSS rather than the query string, this option could reduce the number of cache misses and speed up the delivery of content.


This is the default setting and a middle ground between the two extremes. Cloudflare will cache static content based on the combination of the URL and the query string. Different query strings will result in different cached versions of the same URL.

This option is ideal for websites where the content might change based on query string parameters. For a baseball site, if you have dynamic content that changes based on query parameters (like sorting order of player statistics), this setting ensures that users see the correct version of your content.

Cloudflare and Litespeed Integration

When integrating Cloudflare with the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for a WordPress site, ensuring compatibility and optimizing the settings for both services are essential to maximize your website’s performance and SEO.

Here are specific settings and considerations to keep in mind to ensure Cloudflare and LiteSpeed work harmoniously:

Cache Purging

  • LiteSpeed Configuration: Ensure that LiteSpeed is set to automatically purge cached content when it’s updated. This includes posts, pages, and other dynamic content that changes.
  • Cloudflare Configuration: Similarly, configure Cloudflare to purge cached versions of your website when updates are made. You can automate this process by using Cloudflare’s API in conjunction with the LiteSpeed plugin or WordPress hooks.

Cache Exclusion Rules

Both Cloudflare and LiteSpeed allow you to exclude specific URLs or types of content from being cached. It’s important to harmonize these settings to avoid caching dynamic content that should be served fresh (e.g., user profiles or custom responses based on cookies).

CDN Settings

If you’re using Cloudflare as a CDN, ensure that the LiteSpeed Cache settings are correctly configured to acknowledge Cloudflare’s presence. This often means disabling CDN features within LiteSpeed to prevent conflicts or double caching issues.

Optimization Features

LiteSpeed offers various optimization features (such as image optimization, CSS/JS minification, and lazy loading). When these features are enabled in LiteSpeed, ensure that similar settings are not redundantly enabled in Cloudflare, as this can lead to issues such as broken pages or styles.

Browser Cache TTL

Both Cloudflare and LiteSpeed allow you to set Browser Cache TTL (Time To Live), which controls how long the content is cached in the visitor’s browser. Make sure these settings are aligned to prevent caching issues or stale content.

WebP Compatibility

If you’re using LiteSpeed’s feature to serve WebP images for supported browsers, ensure Cloudflare’s “Polish” feature (if used) is configured to respect WebP versions or to avoid converting images that have already been optimized by LiteSpeed.

Edge Caching

LiteSpeed’s Edge Cache feature can serve content directly from the edge server network. If you’re using Cloudflare, ensure that the configurations between Cloudflare’s caching and LiteSpeed’s Edge Caching do not conflict, especially regarding cache purging and TTL settings.

Testing and Monitoring

After configuring both Cloudflare and LiteSpeed Cache settings, it’s crucial to test your website’s performance and monitor for any issues. Tools like GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights, or Cloudflare’s analytics can provide insights into how effectively your content is being cached and delivered.

Documentation and Support

Both LiteSpeed and Cloudflare offer extensive documentation and support forums. If you encounter specific issues or need advice on settings, referring to the official documentation or reaching out to support can provide tailored advice for your website’s configuration.

By paying attention to these settings and considerations, you can ensure that Cloudflare and LiteSpeed Cache work together efficiently, improving your WordPress site’s speed, performance, and SEO.

Choosing the Right Option

When it comes to Cloudflare’s caching level, the standard setting is generally the safest choice, ensuring dynamic content changes are respected while still benefiting from caching.

If you’re certain that your site’s static content doesn’t vary with query parameters, or if such variations don’t impact user experience, Ignore Query String could potentially increase cache hits and performance.

No Query String is less commonly used for dynamic sites but could be relevant in specific scenarios where query strings are entirely irrelevant for static resources.

When using Cloudflare in conjunction with other caching mechanisms (like LiteSpeed Cache), ensure your settings are harmonized across platforms to prevent caching conflicts that might affect your site’s performance or behavior. It’s also important to monitor your site’s performance and adjust these settings as necessary to find the optimal configuration for your specific needs and traffic patterns.

IndexNow vs Sitemap.xml

March 29th, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), the dialogue between technology creators and users plays a pivotal role in shaping the tools and practices that become the standard. Recently, a fascinating discussion unfolded on a public forum, shedding light on the integration and efficacy of IndexNow in SEO practices, particularly in relation to the SEO Framework plugin. This post aims to distill the essence of that conversation, offering a nuanced perspective on the future of SEO tools and protocols.

What is IndexNow?

The IndexNow protocol, introduced by Microsoft Bing and Yandex, is a significant advancement in the realm of search engine optimization (SEO) and web content indexing. This new protocol offers website owners a direct channel to notify search engines about updates, additions, or deletions to their website content, streamlining the process of getting content indexed. With the traditional method, it could take days or even weeks for search engines to discover and index new content, potentially impacting traffic and sales. IndexNow addresses this issue by providing immediate notification to search engines, thereby ensuring quicker content reflection in search results????.

IndexNow operates on a simple yet effective principle: by submitting a URL update to one participating search engine, the information is shared with all other search engines that have adopted the protocol. This not only saves effort but also contributes to a more open and efficient Internet. For developers, adopting IndexNow is straightforward, involving the generation of a key, hosting it on the website, and submitting URLs through a simple HTTP request. Non-developers, on the other hand, can benefit from IndexNow through its integration with popular platforms and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Wix, and Duda, among others??.

The protocol has garnered support from several major search engines besides Bing and Yandex, such as Naver,, and Yep, with Google also testing IndexNow for potential benefits in sustainability and efficiency. Google, known for its efficient crawling mechanisms and use of HTTP/2 for over half of its crawls, is evaluating IndexNow with a focus on enhancing the sustainability of its web crawling efforts??????.

What is Sitemap.xml?

A sitemap.xml is a crucial tool for SEO, essentially acting as a map for search engines to find and understand the structure of your website. It’s especially important for ensuring that all your pages have the chance to appear in search engine results. Without a sitemap, search engines rely on links within your site or from other sites to discover your content, which can be inefficient and lead to missing pages??.

Creating a sitemap.xml involves listing your website’s URLs along with additional information like when the page was last modified (lastmod), how often the page is likely to change (changefreq), and the priority of the page on your site. These elements help search engines crawl your site more intelligently, although it’s worth noting that not all search engines, including Google, use the changefreq and priority information??.

If your website platform doesn’t automatically generate a sitemap for you, there are numerous sitemap generator tools available. Once you’ve created your sitemap, you should submit it to Google via Google Search Console to ensure it’s crawled. This submission process helps Google discover new pages faster, re-crawl changed pages more quickly, and helps you monitor the index status of your pages????.

For larger websites, or if your sitemap exceeds the limits of 50MB in size or 50,000 URLs, you may need to create multiple sitemaps and then compile them into a sitemap index. This index acts as a sitemap for your sitemaps, helping keep everything organized and accessible for search engines??.

In terms of optimization, it’s important that your sitemap only includes URLs that you want indexed, ensuring they return a 200 status code, are fully qualified and absolute, and are canonical URLs. Additionally, your sitemap itself should be UTF-8 encoded, not exceed the size and URL limits, and correctly specify the namespace to follow standards set by

Lastly, remember to check your sitemap regularly using tools like Google Search Console’s Sitemap Report to identify and fix any indexing issues, such as duplicate content or pages that exceed your site’s crawl budget. Aligning your sitemap and robots.txt file is also crucial to avoid sending mixed signals to Google about which pages are important??.

Why Switch to IndexNow?

The emerging trend of being encouraged or even pressured to switch to the IndexNow protocol marks a significant shift in how websites communicate changes to search engines. Proponents argue that IndexNow, with its ability to instantly notify search engines about content updates, deletions, or new additions, represents a leap towards more efficient internet crawling and indexing. This efficiency could translate into fresher search results and potentially better visibility for website content.

However, there are notable cons to consider. The transition to IndexNow demands technical adaptation and potentially, for some, a steep learning curve. Not all search engines have adopted the protocol, which could mean that its benefits are not universally felt across all search platforms. There’s also a concern about the potential for misuse or spam, as the immediate indexing could be exploited to push low-quality content.

Furthermore, the shift underscores a broader issue within SEO and web development communities: the reliance on a few major tech companies to dictate standards and practices. While IndexNow promises benefits, its adoption hinges on broader support from the web community and the balancing of its advantages against potential drawbacks.

SEO Framework and IndexNow

Sybre Waaijer, a key figure behind the SEO Framework plugin, shared valuable insights into the plugin’s compatibility with IndexNow. Waaijer elucidated the plugin’s strategic direction, revealing a commitment to incorporating IndexNow, either directly or as an extension. This move, according to Waaijer, is in response to the evolving demands of search engine protocols and the SEO community’s feedback. Interestingly, the update will also see the deprecation of traditional pinging functionalities for Bing and Google, signifying a shift towards more autonomous search engine operations.

Fabrice Canel, representing a significant tenure at Microsoft and Bing, brought clarity to the discussion by comparing the functionalities and limitations of sitemaps and IndexNow. Canel highlighted the inherent limitations of sitemaps, such as their inability to offer real-time notifications and their weak delete signals. In contrast, IndexNow promises a secure, real-time notification process for content updates, a feature increasingly demanded by modern search users. This open protocol, Canel notes, fosters a collaborative environment among participating search engines, enhancing the efficiency and reach of content indexing.

Yet, Waaijer raised pertinent questions regarding the real-world application and benefits of IndexNow over traditional sitemaps. While acknowledging the theoretical advantages of IndexNow, Waaijer pointed out the practical effectiveness of sitemaps in indexing until recent shifts aimed at promoting IndexNow’s adoption. The discussion touched on the nuanced realities of SEO practices, where real-time indexing does not necessarily translate to real-time ranking improvements. Moreover, Waaijer critically assessed the priorities driving the adoption of new SEO protocols, suggesting a balanced approach that considers both technological advancements and the practical needs of SEO practitioners.

The dialogue between Waaijer and Canel exemplifies the critical conversations shaping the future of SEO. As tools and protocols evolve, the collective insights and experiences of industry experts and practitioners will continue to be invaluable in navigating the complexities of search engine optimization. This post, drawing from the rich discussion between two prominent figures in the SEO community, offers a glimpse into the ongoing evolution of SEO practices, highlighting the importance of adaptability, collaboration, and critical inquiry in the pursuit of effective and efficient SEO strategies.


The adoption of IndexNow signifies a paradigm shift in how content is indexed on the Internet, promising faster indexing times, reduced crawl loads for websites, and more timely delivery of updated content to users. This initiative reflects a collaborative effort towards creating a more efficient and sustainable web ecosystem, benefiting both webmasters and users alike??????.

For more detailed insights and technical guidelines on how to implement IndexNow for your website, visiting the official IndexNow documentation and resources provided by Microsoft Bing and Yandex is highly recommended??????.

How to Redirect URLs Using htaccess

March 19th, 2024

To permanently redirect all traffic from your site to another site’s page using the .htaccess file, you can use the following rule:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Replace with the URL of the page you want to redirect all your traffic to. This rule uses a 301 redirect, which is understood by browsers and search engines as a permanent redirect. This means that the redirection will also be cached by browsers and recognized by search engines, transferring the SEO value of your pages to the new URL.

Here’s a breakdown of the rule:

  • RewriteEngine on: Enables the rewrite capabilities.
  • RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]: This rule matches any request (^(.*)$) and redirects it to while preserving the rest of the URL path. The [R=301,L] flags indicate that it is a permanent redirect (301) and that this rule should be the last (L) rule considered if it matches.

Remember to replace with the actual URL you wish to redirect to.

In most cases, you will have to insert this code to the existing htaccess file that looks something like this:

If you have never worked with htaccess before, you might be tempted to shove the new code at the beginning or at the end.

Correct insertion point

To add a new section for permanently redirecting all links to another site’s page in your existing .htaccess file, you should carefully place it in a location that doesn’t interfere with the existing rules, especially those managing caching and WordPress’s rewrite rules. A good practice is to add new redirection rules before the # BEGIN WordPress section or after the existing rewrite rules but before the WordPress-specific rules to ensure that the redirection takes precedence over WordPress’s internal handling of URLs.

Given your current .htaccess content, you can insert your new redirection rule just before the # BEGIN WordPress section. This placement ensures that your redirection rule is processed before any WordPress or caching rules that might conflict with the intended redirection behavior.

Here is how you can integrate the new redirection rule:

... existing rules ...

... existing rules ...

# Permanent redirect to another site
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
... existing rules ...

Remember to replace with the actual URL you want to redirect all your traffic to. Adding the rule in this manner ensures that the server processes the redirect before handling any WordPress-specific routing, thereby avoiding potential conflicts with WordPress or cache-related rules.

What is that “$1” trigger?

The $1 at the end of the URL in the RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] serves as a placeholder that captures and appends the original requested path to the new URL. Here’s a breakdown of its function:

  • ^(.*)$ is a regular expression that matches the entire path of the URL requested on your server. The ^ symbol matches the beginning of the URL, and the $ symbol matches the end. .* matches any character (.) zero or more times (*), effectively capturing the entire path of the URL after the domain name.
  • The parentheses () around .* create a capture group, which means whatever matches inside those parentheses (in this case, the entire path and query string of the original URL) can be referenced later in the rule.
  • $1 references the first (and in this case, the only) capture group defined in the pattern. It’s used in the substitution URL$1 to dynamically insert the captured path from the original request into the destination URL.

So, if someone visits, the rule will redirect them to The $1 ensures that the /page1 part of the original URL is appended to the base URL, allowing for a seamless redirect that preserves the path and query components of the original request. This mechanism is essential for maintaining the structure of the original URL in the redirection process.


To redirect all traffic from your site to a specific page, such as, you can modify the .htaccess rule accordingly. Given the placement advice and your existing .htaccess content, here’s how you can insert the redirection:

... existing rules ...

... existing rules ...

# Permanent redirect to a specific page
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L]

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
... existing rules ...

This rule will redirect all requests from your current site to It’s important to note that this will override any specific URL paths or files on your original site, directing everything to the specified page. The [R=301,L] flags indicate that this is a permanent redirect (which search engines will honor by transferring SEO value) and that no subsequent rewrite rules should be processed if this rule is matched.

Final Thoughts

I hope this help you a little bit as you learn how to manage htaccess files.

By the way, make sure to test this configuration in a development environment or at a time when you can afford to troubleshoot, as improper .htaccess configurations can result in site downtime or unexpected behavior.

Finding Specific Domain Links on Any Webpage

March 19th, 2024

When you are working in the search engine optimization field, sometimes you need to scan the source page where inbound links are originating from.

In many cases, there is no quick and easy way of scanning a page without digging through HTML.

Instead, there are several free tools and methods available to scan a webpage for specific links or domain names. These tools can be useful for various purposes, including SEO audits, link verification, or competitor analysis. Here are a few approaches you can take:

Online Tools

  1. Broken Link Checkers: While primarily used to find broken links, some broken link checking tools also allow you to see all outbound links from a webpage. Tools like Dead Link Checker, BrokenLinkCheck, and Dr. Link Check can scan a webpage and list all the links found on that page.
  2. SEO Audit Tools: Some free SEO tools and website audit tools provide a feature to list out external links found on your webpage. Tools like Ubersuggest, MozBar (a Chrome extension), and SEMrush offer limited free usage that can be utilized to check for external domain links.

Browser Extensions

  1. Link Highlighting Extensions: Browser extensions like “Check My Links” or “Link Miner” can highlight all the links on a webpage. Some of these tools have the option to filter or search through the displayed links, making it easier to spot specific domain names.
  2. Developer Tools: Most modern browsers come with built-in developer tools that can be used to inspect the page and search through its elements (including links). While not a dedicated link checker, it’s a quick way to find specific links on a page you’re currently viewing.

Using a Custom Script

For more tech-savvy users, writing a small script in languages like Python can provide the most flexibility. Using libraries such as BeautifulSoup for Python, you can create a script that fetches a webpage, parses its HTML, and searches for links containing a specific domain. This method requires some programming knowledge but is highly customizable to your needs.

Example Python Script

Here’s a basic example of how you might use Python to find links to a specific domain on a webpage:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Replace '' with the webpage you want to scan
# Replace '' with the domain you're searching for in links
url = ''
domain = ''

response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    if domain in link['href']:

This script will print out all links on ‘’ that include ‘’. You can adjust the url and domain variables as needed.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, depending on your specific needs and technical comfort level. Online tools and browser extensions are user-friendly and quick for spot checks, while custom scripts offer more control and flexibility for advanced users or specific requirements.

Hiding WordPress Theme Identity

March 5th, 2024

To prevent your WordPress theme from being detected by sites like “WhatThemeIs” and others, you can take several steps to obscure or hide details about your theme and plugins.

While it’s difficult to make your site completely undetectable without affecting its functionality, you can make it harder for automated tools to identify your theme and plugins.

The following are some methods you can consider.

Minify and Combine CSS and JavaScript Files

Minifying and combining your theme’s CSS and JavaScript files can obscure the source of the files, making it harder for detection tools to identify the theme based on file names or specific style and script patterns.

Rename Theme Folder

Changing the name of your theme’s folder can help obscure its identity. However, be aware that this might need to be redone after theme updates, and it could potentially cause issues with updates and functionality.

Use a Child Theme

Creating and activating a child theme with a unique name provides an additional layer of obfuscation. The child theme can override the main theme’s files and functions, making it less straightforward to identify the parent theme.

Remove or Modify the Theme’s Metadata

The style.css file in your theme directory contains metadata about the theme, including its name, author, and version. Editing this information can help mask the theme’s identity, but be cautious as it may impact theme updates and support.

Use a Security Plugin

Some WordPress security plugins offer features to hide or restrict access to your site’s directories and files, making it harder for automatic detection tools to scan your site for theme and plugin information.

Disable Directory Browsing

Ensure that directory browsing is disabled on your server to prevent unauthorized users from viewing the contents of your directories, which can include theme and plugin folders.

Obscure WordPress Version

Some tools also report the WordPress version, which can be hidden by removing the version number from the site’s head section and other areas.

Custom Developments

Consider custom developing features that you would otherwise use plugins for. This not only hides their existence but can also optimize your site’s performance.

Use a Security Firewall

A web application firewall (WAF) can help block malicious attempts to detect or exploit your site, including automated scans for themes and plugins.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that while these steps can help make it more difficult for automated tools to identify your WordPress theme and plugins, they may not provide complete anonymity.

Moreover, some modifications can affect your site’s functionality, performance, or the ability to receive theme and plugin updates.

Always back up your site before making significant changes and consider the trade-offs between security, privacy, and usability.

Personally, I would recommend that you focus on growing your site rather than spending time trying to hide the identity of your WordPress theme.

Google Search Console – 404 Errors for Unknown pages

February 21st, 2024

When reviewing your Google Search Console –> Page Indexing –> Not found (404) error pages, you may be surprised to see page URLs that you did not create.

This can be confusing and concerning and there are several reasons why this might happen:

External Links

One common source of error is that other websites may have incorrectly linked to pages on your site that do not exist. This is common when there’s a typo in the URL or if the linking site uses an outdated URL that has since been removed or changed on your website.

Internal Links

Related to internal linking strategy, there might be broken links within your own site. These could be in your posts, pages, or even in your site’s template or navigation menus.

Sometimes, links are created automatically by WordPress plugins, and if those plugins are misconfigured or outdated, they might generate incorrect URLs.

Crawling or indexing issues

Search engines like Google use automated bots to crawl the web. These bots sometimes attempt to access URLs based on patterns they’ve detected on your site or elsewhere, leading them to nonexistent pages.

Malware or Hacking

In some cases, a site may have been compromised, and the attacker may have created pages or scripts that generate fake URLs. These URLs can lead to 404 errors when the search engine tries to access them.

Dynamic URL Parameters

Some WordPress plugins or themes might dynamically generate URLs based on user interactions or specific actions. If these URLs get indexed by search engines but are not intended to be standalone pages, they can result in 404 errors.

Migration or Redesign Isusues

If you’ve recently migrated your WordPress site or gone through a redesign, some of the old URLs that were indexed by search engines might no longer exist, leading to 404 errors.

    How to Address the Issue

    1. Check External Links: Use tools like Google Search Console to find the sources of these links. If they’re coming from external sites, you can try to contact the site owners to correct the links.

    1. Fix Internal Links: Audit your site for any broken internal links. WordPress plugins like “Broken Link Checker” can help identify and fix these.

    1. Implement Redirects: For URLs that have changed or been removed, consider setting up 301 redirects to the correct or new pages. This can be done using WordPress plugins like “Redirection” or by editing your site’s .htaccess file (for Apache servers).

    1. Regularly Update and Secure Your Site: Ensure your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are always up to date. Implement security best practices to reduce the risk of hacking and malware.

    1. Submit Updated Sitemaps: Regularly submit updated XML sitemaps to Google Search Console to help search engines understand the current structure of your site.

    1. Monitor and Manage 404s: Regularly monitor the 404 errors reported in Google Search Console and address them promptly. If certain URLs are generating 404 errors but should not be indexed in the first place, consider using the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from crawling those URLs.

Final Thoughts

    Addressing 404 errors involves both identifying the source of the problematic links and taking steps to correct or mitigate the issues. This not only helps improve your site’s user experience but also its SEO performance.

How to Verify the CHECKSUM of a Downloaded File

February 13th, 2024

The verification of checksums is a critical security practice in the digital world, particularly when downloading files from the Internet.

The importance of checking checksums lies in its ability to detect any alterations or corruptions in the data. When files are transferred over networks, they can be susceptible to errors, malicious tampering, or corruption.

What is a Checksum?

A checksum is a unique, fixed-size string, derived from the data within a file through a mathematical algorithm. This string serves as a digital fingerprint, ensuring the file’s integrity and authenticity.

By comparing the checksum generated from the downloaded file against the original checksum provided by the source, users can verify that the file has not been modified in transit. This verification is crucial for preventing the installation of malware or compromised software, which can lead to security breaches, data loss, or other significant risks.

Real Life Example

Let’s start with the real life example. Search for Arch Linux and head to their download page.

Scroll down the page and click on the mirror and you will see this:

Click on the first link to download the ISO file, then click on the second text file (sha256sums.txt) to view the checksum value.

To verify the checksum of a downloaded file in Windows 10, you can use the built-in Command Prompt utility. A checksum is a type of digital fingerprint that allows you to ensure that the file you downloaded has not been tampered with or corrupted. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step # 1 – Open Command Prompt:
    • Press the Windows key, type “Command Prompt” or “cmd” into the search bar, and press Enter. Alternatively, you can press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open the Run dialog and launch Command Prompt.
  • Step # 2 – Navigate to the File Location:
    • Before you can check the file’s checksum, you need to navigate to the directory where the file is located using the cd (change directory) command. For example, if your file is located in the Downloads folder, you can type something like cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Downloads and press Enter. Replace YourUsername with your actual user name.
  • Step # 3 – Use the CertUtil Command:
    • Windows has a built-in utility called CertUtil that can be used to compute and verify file checksums. To use it, you will need to know which type of checksum you want to verify (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc.). The command format is as follows, then press enter:
Certutil -hashfile archlinux-2024.02.01-x86_64.iso SHA256
  • Step # 4 – Compare Checksums:
    • Finally, compare the checksum displayed in the Command Prompt with the checksum provided on the website from which you downloaded the file. If they match, the file is intact and has not been tampered with.


In summary, checksum verification is a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing digital security. It ensures that the files users download and use are genuine and unaltered, providing peace of mind in an environment where data integrity cannot always be taken for granted

Windows 10 Pro Running Very Slow after Update – How to Solve It

February 11th, 2024

I have been using Microsoft Windows OS since Windows 3.1. Although the OS functionality has vastly improved, it’s update process has gradually worsened over the years.

With Windows 10 and 11, the OS updates on its own so the user has a very little control over what happens during an update.

TLDR – if you need to get your machine up and running again, you need to hard reset your laptop.

Potential Issues Behind Slow Performance After a Microsoft Update

When a Windows 10 Pro system starts performing poorly after a Microsoft update, several underlying issues could be at play. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that while updates are meant to improve security, fix bugs, and enhance functionality, they can sometimes introduce new problems. Here are a few potential culprits:

  1. Driver Incompatibility: Updates can sometimes cause existing drivers to become outdated or incompatible, leading to system instability and performance issues.
  2. System Resource Overload: New updates might increase the system’s resource requirements, straining older or less powerful hardware.
  3. Corrupted Update Files: Occasionally, the update process might not complete correctly, leaving corrupted files that can hinder system performance.
  4. Conflicts with Existing Software: An update might introduce changes that conflict with software already installed on the system, causing slowdowns and other problems.
  5. Power Management Issues: On laptops, updates can sometimes interfere with battery management and power settings, affecting performance and battery life.

If you search this problem, the usual litany of Microsoft solution tech’s solution is to point and blame the user.

Personal Experiences: Software Issues Attributed to OS Update

In my experience, two laptops demonstrated significant issues post-Microsoft update, pointing to software problems rather than hardware failures.

The first laptop faced a peculiar battery charging issue; it wouldn’t charge when plugged in and offered a mere 2-3 minutes of uptime when disconnected from the power source. After enduring multiple forced updates and ultimately resorting to a hard reset, the battery functionality was restored, underscoring the software nature of the problem.

The second laptop experienced a drastic slowdown in boot times and overall performance post-update. Despite being equipped with an SSD, boot times deteriorated from 2 seconds to 30 seconds. Moreover, applications became sluggish, responding poorly to mouse or keyboard inputs.

Attempts to rectify the situation through “sfc /scannow”, DISM commands, and numerous updates were futile, leading to the decision to perform a hard reset.

Yes, it could be a “re-indexing issue” or conflict with the existing security software but couldn’t Microsoft handle this better?

Miraculously, hard resetting the machine resolved the issues, further evidencing that the root cause was tied to the OS update rather than any physical defects with the laptop.

So what to do? Get an external drive, backup files to it (don’t forget the bookmarks) and factory reset the machine. Do not choose to reset and keep your files as they tend to leave crumbs.


This article explored the vexing issue of deteriorating system performance following a Windows 10 Pro update.

Initial discussion focused on potential causes, such as driver incompatibilities, system resource overloads, corrupted update files, software conflicts, and power management glitches. Personal experiences with two laptops illustrated how such updates can lead to severe issues, including battery charging problems and significant slowdowns in system boot and application response times.

These experiences strongly suggest that the issues were software-related, specifically linked to the OS update process.

The resolution of these problems through hard resets, although drastic, emphasizes the need for careful consideration and possibly a reevaluation of the update process by Microsoft to prevent such disruptive outcomes in the future.

Backup Mozilla Thunderbird – Profile and Local Folders

February 10th, 2024

Backing up your Mozilla Thunderbird profiles and emails, especially those placed into local folders, is an essential step to ensure your data is secure and can be restored in case of data loss or migration to a new computer.

It used to be quite difficult but as of December 2023, the process has improved quite a bit.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Backup Thunderbird Data Manually

  1. Locate Your Thunderbird Profile Folder:
    • Thunderbird stores your data in a profile folder, which contains your emails, settings, and other personal information.
    • To find it, open Thunderbird, go to Help > Troubleshooting Information, and under the Application Basics section, click on Open Folder next to Profile Folder. This will open your profile folder in your file explorer.
  2. Close Thunderbird:
    • Ensure Thunderbird is completely closed before proceeding to avoid any file corruption. You can do this by exiting the application and checking that it’s not running in the background.
  3. Backup the Profile Folder:
    • Copy the entire profile folder to a backup location. This can be an external hard drive, USB flash drive, or a cloud storage service.
    • It’s important to copy the entire folder, as it contains all your emails, settings, and other data.
  4. Backup Local Folders Separately (Optional):
    • If you have emails stored in local folders and want to ensure they are doubly secure, you can locate these within your profile folder (typically under Mail or ImapMail folders) and copy them to another location.

Using a Backup Tool

Alternatively, you can use a third-party backup tool designed for Thunderbird to automate the backup process. Tools like MozBackup (for Windows) or MailStore Home can simplify backing up and restoring your data. Follow the specific instructions provided by the tool you choose.

Restoring Your Backup

To restore your data, you would:

  1. Install Thunderbird on the computer where you want to restore your data.
  2. Close Thunderbird if it’s running.
  3. Locate the profile folder on the new installation.
  4. Delete its contents and replace them with the contents of your backup.
  5. Start Thunderbird, and your data should be as it was at the time of the backup.

Tips for Successful Backup and Restore

  • Regularly backup your data to minimize the loss in case of a failure.
  • Verify your backup by occasionally checking that the copied data is accessible and not corrupted.
  • Keep multiple backups in different locations for added security.

By following these steps, you can ensure your Thunderbird profiles and emails are securely backed up and can be restored when needed.

Local vs Roaming Profile in Windows 10/11

February 10th, 2024

In Windows 10, user profiles play a crucial role in storing user-related settings and data, ensuring a personalized experience across the operating system. The key difference between local profiles and roaming profiles lies in how they store and access this data across different computers in a networked environment.

Local Profile
  • Location: A local profile is stored directly on the computer’s hard drive.Accessibility: It is accessible only on the computer where it is stored.Usage Scenario: Ideal for users who only use a single computer, as it ensures that their settings, preferences, and files are saved locally on that machine.Performance: Typically, local profiles offer faster load times since the data is directly accessed from the local hard disk.Data Synchronization: There is no synchronization across multiple devices. Each local profile is unique to the computer it resides on.
  • Roaming Profile
  • Location: A roaming profile is stored on a network server and downloaded to a computer when a user logs on.Accessibility: It can be accessed from any computer within the network that the user logs onto, allowing for a consistent user experience across multiple devices.Usage Scenario: Ideal for environments where users need to move between different computers, such as in educational institutions or large offices. It ensures that users have access to their personal settings, documents, and applications regardless of which computer they log on to.Performance: The initial logon and logoff times might be slower compared to local profiles, especially if the user has a lot of data, since the profile is downloaded from and uploaded to the server at the beginning and end of each session, respectively.Data Synchronization: Changes to the user’s profile are synchronized with the server copy at logoff, and these changes are applied the next time the user logs on to any computer in the network.
  • Key Differences Summarized:
  • Storage Location: Local profiles are stored on the local computer, while roaming profiles are stored on a network server.Accessibility: Local profiles are accessible only on one computer; roaming profiles can be accessed from any computer in the network.Performance: Local profiles generally provide faster access to data, while roaming profiles might experience slower logon and logoff times due to network synchronization.User Scenario: Local profiles are suited for single-computer users, and roaming profiles are designed for users who need their settings and files across multiple computers.
  • In summary, the choice between a local and a roaming profile depends on the specific needs of the user and the network environment. Local profiles are straightforward and fast, suited for stationary users, while roaming profiles offer flexibility and consistency for users who move between different workstations.

    I have my own business and I work alone. Why Do I have a Roaming Profile on my laptop?

    If you’re working alone and primarily use a single Windows 10 laptop, it might seem unusual for your system to create or use a roaming profile since roaming profiles are typically used in environments with networked computers where users need to access their profiles from different machines. However, there are a few scenarios or settings that might lead to your Windows 10 laptop creating or being set to use a roaming profile:

    1. Domain Membership

    If your laptop is joined to a Windows domain (common in business environments, even small ones, to facilitate management of policies and security), the domain’s policies might dictate the use of roaming profiles for all users, including you. This is often configured by network administrators to ensure that users’ settings and files are available across different devices, but it can apply even if you only use one device.

    2. Manual Configuration or Software

    You might have accidentally configured your user profile as a roaming profile, or specific software that you installed could have changed your profile settings as part of its setup process, especially if it’s designed for use in multi-user environments.

    3. Misinterpretation

    Sometimes, what appears to be a roaming profile might actually be other features of Windows 10 at play. For example, features like OneDrive folder redirection can sync your Desktop, Documents, and other folders across devices, mimicking some aspects of a roaming profile without actually using one.

    4. Previous Network Settings

    If you previously used your laptop in a different environment (e.g., at a former employer) where roaming profiles were used, and the profile was not fully converted back to a local profile upon leaving that environment, your system might still attempt to use roaming profile settings.

    Addressing Unwanted Roaming Profile Use

    If a roaming profile is not desired, especially considering your solitary work situation, you can take steps to revert to a local profile:

    • Check Domain Membership: Ensure your laptop is not part of a domain that enforces roaming profiles. You can leave the domain if it’s not required for your business, but be cautious as this might affect other domain-based services and policies.
    • Adjust Profile Settings: You can manually change your profile type. This process might involve editing the registry or local group policy settings, so it’s important to proceed with caution and back up your data first.
    • Professional Help: If you’re not comfortable making these changes on your own, consulting with an IT professional who can understand your specific setup and provide tailored advice might be beneficial.

    In any case, understanding and managing user profiles in Windows 10 requires a bit of technical knowledge, especially when it comes to distinguishing between local and roaming profiles and making adjustments to suit your needs.

    Final Thoughts

    Local profiles in Windows 10 are stored directly on a computer’s hard drive, making them accessible only on that specific machine. They’re ideal for users who work primarily on a single computer, as they ensure that personal settings, preferences, and files are kept locally. In contrast, roaming profiles are stored on a network server and are downloaded to any computer within the network that a user logs onto, allowing for a consistent experience across multiple devices. This setup is particularly useful in environments where users need to move between different workstations, as it ensures their personal environment follows them. However, roaming profiles can lead to slower login and logout times due to the need to synchronize data with the server. The choice between a local and a roaming profile depends on the user’s needs, with local profiles offering speed and simplicity for single-computer users, and roaming profiles providing flexibility for those frequently switching between different computers.