Where Should You Buy Your Next Cellphone From

Confused with advertisements from gazillion merchants all wanting to sell you a wireless phone? Confused? I mean who has the time to cull through such monumental list and decide? Take a look at these 3 images from different vendors, offering Verizon Wireless’ Motorola Razr Maxx:




Did you notice the price and other information were virtually identical? That is because most merchants use a back end platform offered by a company called Simplexity. Based on my quick googling, I found out that most big box merchants rely on Simplixity to provide ordering process, procurement and other services.  Basically, these merchants are doing what’s called  “white labeling” or re-branding Simplexity’s service.  There are some exceptions like Walmart, Costco and Amazon Wireless.  Bottom line?  Look at LetsTalk.com,WireFly (owned and operated by Simplexity), Costco or AmazonWireless for any deals and save time.  Of course, don’t forget to check the wireless operators themselves as they sometimes have BOGO offers are that are not extended to non-corporate stores

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