Review of Vehicle Charger – Motorola Vehicle Power Adapter micro-USB Rapid Rate Charger

Because my wife and I own Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic Touch and LG Optimus, I opted to go with Motorola version which provides extra amperage (up to 950mA) and ordered 2 chargers (one for each vehicle).

I ordered mine on Jan 12, 2012 and received 2 plastic packages marked PVN1616 (SKU 76049201772) which looked like they were part of bulk packaging.  Packaging inside indicated it was SPN5400A (P/N 11222-0817337). 

The label on the charger itself had a model # CHR-0291 and was able to find related documents from Motorola (Declaration of Conformity – if the link is broken, click on the archive CHR-0291_DoC_EU_RevA; Regulatory Guide, if the link is broken, click on the archive 13818101a).

Based on additional information found on the “cigarette lighter” connector side, words ENTRDA and SALIDA make me believe that this particular unit I received was made for the Spanish market (ENTRADA means INPUT and SALIDA means OUTPUT)

The charger itself had a small hologram sticker on the micro USB connector end (molded boot connected to the cable for durability).

On the cigarette light end, it had an attractive “M” hologram logo that lighted up when plugged into a power source.  Some vendor touted this feature as a map reading light, but considering where it would be positioned in most cars, I find that hard to believe.

In addition, the coiled cable was nice and thick, shielding any interference from the radio.

I had no problem charging either the Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic Touch or LG Optimus while using Sprint Navigation and some light email downloads.

Overall I am very satisfied with the quality and construction of this particular unit.  I highly suggest you stay away from car chargers that have separate charging unit and cable as they tend to loosen up quite easily over a short period of time.

I will be writing up additional product reviews related to Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic Touch soon.  If you are in a hurry and just want accessories that work, check out the list here

BTW, if you like to tinker around and build yourself an USB voltage tester, checkout this article at


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