Think of a book that you frequently reference every day. To expedite the process, you probably use a sticky or a bookmark.
An object cache is just like a bookmark, but instead of a piece of paper, it is a temporary storage area on a server.
If you have a website with a popular post, the server may have to repeatedly access the same information in your database many times (like rifling through pages to find the right page every single time).
This takes a lot of time and use up a lot of resources.
With an object cache, you can save that information for a certain amount of time so you don’t have to keep looking it up.
What is Memcache, Memcached, and Redis
- Memcache (without the letter “d” at the end) is a memory caching system that store data in a particular server’s RAM
- Memcached is a distributed memory caching system that store data across multiple servers (i.e. cloud storage). Memcached is often deployed with WordPress
- Both memcache and memcached can be used to improved web application performance. Which one you use depends on your hosting provider
- Similar to Memcache, Redis stores data in teh server’s memory to handle lots of data requests quickly and efficiently
What are the differences?
Memcache only supports simple key-value data storage and retrieval. On contrast, Redis supports a wider range of data types and advanced features and scripting capabilities.
Memcached is a lightweight caching system that distributes data across multiple servers like Redis.
Memcached and Redis can be used simultaneously in WordPress if the hosting company allows it.
- How to configure Redis Object Cache in WordPress (Verrotech)
- How to configure WordPress to use Redis (A2 Hosting)
- Enabling or Disabling PHP Extensions (MDDHosting)
- Using Memcached or Redis with LiteSpeed Cache (MDDHosting)
LiteSpeed Info
- Memcached, LSMCD and Redis (Object Cache) Support in LSCWP¶ <–READ FIRST
- How to Verify
- LiteSpeed Cache WordPress (LSCWP) – setup
How to Check if LS is Supported or Turned on
Can you use LSCWP plugin if your hosting company is using Apache or nginx instead of LiteSpeed?
Yes, the optimization features will work if you setup an account with CDN but non of the caching capabilities will work.
Click on this link and enter your website address to verify that LS is setup:
The above tool can also be used to verify that is running (look for “x-qc-pop)
Reference Links
- LiteSpeed Cache
- LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress
- WordPress Plugin Page
- LSCWP – Slack
- LSCWP Tutorials
- Support Forum
Tags: memcached, object cache, redis